Bryce // 70's-Inspired Sturgeon Bay Portrait Session
You may recognize this very cool boy as my delightful younger brother, Bryce. Throughout the years, he’s been a consistent subject in my photos, particularly when we were much younger and were (lovingly) forced to spend our summer days hanging out together. We’d walk through our quiet hometown, making up games and spilling Dairy Queen treats on the sidewalk and snapping photos as we went. We’d sit in our backyard and I’d bribe him to sit still long enough for me to catch a good shot or two. As we both grew older, our adventures inevitably shifted and became few and far between, though significantly more fun. With a nearly eight-year age gap between us, I never quite expected my baby brother to become such a good friend to me - but here we are.
Bryce allowed me to style a funky 70’s-inspired vintage outfit for this lil adventure, and then we set out wandering around Sturgeon Bay. Our evening together included me attempting to shave his chest with one of those small eyebrow-shaping razors, delicious burgers, and the windiest walk out to the lighthouse - all in all, a perfect day. I’m feeling pretty lucky to have watched this guy grow into who he is.