Jonique + Aaron // Moody Retro Lifestyle Session
Whew. Where to start with this one?
Jonique and I have been Facebook friends for…ever, I think, and she’s modeled for me in the past (you may remember her from my Audubon-meets-Jane-Goodall inspired shoot), but I was absolutely smitten when she started sharing images of her funky lil home. The striped fridge, her paintings, the thrifted bits + pieces - perfection in every direction. We decided to document the space she + her partner, Aaron, share with a cute lifestyle shoot!
Upon my arrival, I was instantly met by Jax - the real star of the show. He smiled perfectly for every shot and insisted on being the center of attention as often as he could. I was also introduced to Squash, the loveliest + plumpest lil lizard lady! Does it get cuter than this family? Pretty sure it doesn’t. I spent a few hours chatting with Jonique and Aaron about their love story, our mutual political alignments, their mattress, and everything under the sun before I insisted that we become lifelong besties.
Every now and then, I get to work on a shoot that I wish I could climb inside and live in forever - this was one of them.